Mobile Apps

One of Teddy’s new interests is Apps. Again, he shows his strength in stepping into a business model he is not familiar with, and come out successful. A perfect thrill for Teddy, as he is always thinking outside-the-box on an already over saturated market. He has proven he sees potential where no one is looking.  


MoonAge is the first calculator of it’s kind. Calculate your age based on the lunar year. How fun to know that right now, based on how time is calculated on the moon, your age is a totally different number!

Type your birthday and where you were born into the calculator and instantly know your MoonAge. You’ll also find out, according to Native American folklore, what kind of moon you were born under. MoonAge also sends you a daily horoscope… and every full moon,MoonAge alerts you to your new MoonAge.

MoonAge was developed by Crux Entertainment, Inc., a cross-platform entertainment production company for Axe Hugger®.